Oppa, do you want to marry me? I don’t have any money saved Hehe

image text translation

(1)She’s young and pretty without any female abilities. Can she get married
(2)I’m in my mid-20s and worked for three years, but my savings are 0 won. I’m working at the information desk. I can’t get a good job in the future. I graduated from a local national university for four years
(3)But every time I go out, I’m pretty enough to ask for your number, have a good body, and have a nice personality
(4)You guys can get married
(5) Car Lounge Civil Service Hospital Lounge
(6)22 years duo subscription quote arrived!
(7)Dingdong♬ Receive notification of a customized job change offer
(8)Oppa, do you want to marry me? If I get married, I will quit and I don’t have any money saved Hehe
(9)Good. 56
(10)civil servant maftynavue
(11)Looking at this picture, it’s definitely possible
(12)I like it. 55

You can shovel it!

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