Seokyeol will wash this much, too

image text translation

(1)The president doesn’t have a translator in his English
(2)HERILD POP original article transmission 2013-05-090755 Last revision 2013-05-0950
(3)Comments 607
(4)Herald Live News President Park Geun-hye’s English ability, which received a warm round of applause in a speech at a joint session of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, is becoming a hot topic
(5)President Park stressed the importance of the Korea-U.S. alliance in a joint speech at the plenary session of the House of Representatives on the 8th, and delivered a speech for about 30 minutes showing a firm stance on North Korea
(6)President Park calmly delivered her speech with accurate English pronunciation and received 40 applause, including six standing ovation
(7)As a result, the speech, which was originally scheduled for 30 minutes, increased by about four minutes due to pouring applause
(8)It was the moment when President Park’s English skills were displayed fluently
(9)SBS News
(10)President Park’s speech to the U.S. Congress


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