the truth of the Japanese rice exploitation theory

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(1)a pioneer in the improvement of rice varieties
(2)Sakisaka Kisaburo
(3)Rice farming is possible only in tropical and temperate regions. Japanese people improved rice seeds according to the Korean climate with modern breeding
(4)Kisaburo Sakisaka, who served as the director of the Tokushima Agricultural Testing Center and worked at the Agricultural Testing Center of the Japanese Government-General of Korea
(5)The Three Kingdoms are the pioneers of the improvement of the rice seed varieties

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(1)thanks to the improvement of the breed
(2)Rice farming is also possible in Heukryonggangseong Fortress
(3)Korean Farmers Migrated to Manchuria
(4)Japanese advance with improved rice seeds
(5)Heilongjiang River, short and cold in summer
(6)successful rice farming in the castle area
(7)Japanese Breeders’ Breed Dogs
(8)Northern Limit of Rice Farming through Liang
(9)It’s up to 50 degrees north of the line

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(1)That’s how the rice of the people disappeared
(2)People’s lives are disappearing when they eat in a good way
(3)Japanese imperialism increased the production of rice in Joseon and increased the amount of exploitation

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(1)Chucheong Akibari Rice
(2)We have more improvements in Japan on our land
(3)The Manchurian language is disappearing as soon as we finish eating
(4)Japan exterminates our native species

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(1)Since 1921
(2)Promotion of Production Plan for Production of Production in Korea
(3)Figure 3-1 Rice production export volume and consumption unit in Joseon
(4)Korean Government-General Rice in Joseon
(5)Promote the Production Plan of Mountain Rice to Encourage Production
(6)1st Five-Year Plan for 1921-1925
(7)2nd 1926-1935 10-year plan
(8)domestic consumption
(9)The second plan is a Japanese agricultural crisis due to increased exports of Korean rice to Japan
(10)discontinued in 1934 against
(11)The 3rd 1940~
(12)Data Korea’s Long-Term Statistics’ 2018

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(1)improvement of rice varieties
(2)the most important achievement
(3)The most important thing is the improvement of varieties to increase the number of policies and projects for the modernization of colonial Korea by the Governor-General of Korea
(4)rice thanks to improved varieties
(5)Production in 1910 10 million
(6)More than 20 million seats since the early 1930s
(7)Japanese rice price than Joseon
(8)Expensive Rice Produced in Japan
(9)Go to
(10)Shipbuilding and Rice Export Scenes to Japan

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(1)a rice tower of 804 families
(2)There was no exploitation of rice
(3)export at a reasonable price
(4)Gunsan, an outpost of rice exploitation
(5)In Joseon, where industrial underdeveloped agriculture was the main industry, rice was the most important export of Joseon during the colonial period
(6)Korean scholars sell rice at a reasonable price by fabricating it as extortion
(7)Rice exports to Japan contribute to boosting shipbuilding economy income

Japan passed on new technologies to improve rice varieties to the Korean Peninsula, doubling rice production and soaring production in the cold climate of the north

False incitement that native rice disappeared due to the Japanese colonial rule

Also, all rice is exported to Japan at a reasonable price

Rice exports contribute to the increase in Korean income and increase the number of Koreans eating out due to economic leeway, and the population also increases sharply

Fake instigation in textbooks for exploiting rice

Rumors of rice extortion disappeared from textbooks after being attacked by a pect because it was not a rice extortion

In addition, rumors of land exploitation are also open

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