a breakup after admitting love

image text translation

(1)Exclusive Brave Girls’ Minyoung Verbal Jint’s 10-year-old romance
(2)Star News Reporter Lee Seung-hoon’s photo = Star News Brave Girls Min-young and Verbal Gint’s real name Kim Jin-tae fell in love with Star News exclusively on the 24th, Brave Girls
(3)Star News 2023-04-24
(4)Verbal gint and Minyoung’s romantic relationship overcoming the 10-year gap → Currently following the breakup SNS…
(5)Verbalzint Minyoung Photo = DB Brave Girls Minyoung and Verbalzint made their position public amid rumors of a romantic relationship Verbaljeant told MBN Star on the morning of the 24th, “The two of them were dating

No. 1 is a romantic relationship. No. 2nd place is break up

It turned out to be a romantic relationship We broke up, but I guess it’s a good fishing experience [Laughing]

Exclusive Brave Girls Minyoung ♥ Verbal Jint 10-year-old romance Nate News

Ranking News > Entertainment Tab Ranking View News Star News Reporter Lee Seung-hoon Photo = Star News Brave Girls’ Min-young and Verbal Gint’s real name Kim Jin-tae fell in love with Star News on the 24th


Verbal Jint and Minyoung Overcome the 10-year gap in romantic relationship → Current breakup…Follow Chinese Nate News on social media

Ranking News > Entertainment Tab Ranking View News Verbalzint Minyoung Photo = DB Brave Girls Minyoung and Verbalzint made their position public amid rumors of a romantic relationship Verbalzint told MBN Star on the morning of the 24th, “It is true that the two were dating, but they are currently separated,” and Star News said earlier that Min-young and Verbalzint are dating


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