What’s up with Lee Eonjoo, the Yoon Suk Yeol

image text translation

(1)News High Kick Lee Eon-joo 尹 I should praise you
(2)Sue, then I won’t pay for it
(3)MBC Radio Input 2023532036 Modified 2023532038
(5)- 尹 The U.S. has effectively declared nuclear disarmament
(6)- They tend to be dragged around because they can’t rely entirely on the Korea-U.S
(7)- We need to carry out diplomacy and security with independent autonomy without being swayed by the surroundings
(8)I didn’t apologize when I visited Korea. I filled half of the glass like a drunkard
(9)- For a military alliance with Japan, trust and public consensus must be followed
(10)News High Kick
(11)Then I’m not going to repair it!
(12)尹 Is it a reward to praise
(13)Conservative Lee Eon-joo’s defense
(14)a photo-oriented newspaper


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