Wow, it’s really suspicious

image text translation

(1)National Election Commission
(2)National Intelligence Service has been notified of hacking eight times…Election Commission Refusal to Inspect
(3)The National Intelligence Service has identified eight hacking attempts by the Central Election Commission
(4)the National Intelligence Service’s eight notifications
(5)to the National Intelligence Service and the National Election Commission
(6)Notification of 8 suspected hacking cases
(7)Seven cases were organized by a North Korean hacker organization
(8)the work of Lazarus
(9)the people’s power

image text translation

(1)the National Intelligence Service’s eight notifications
(2)”Before the general election
(3)The NEC’s exposure to hacking is a very serious problem.”
(4)Public Power Public Administration and Security Committee Statement
(5)When receiving security consultation from the National Intelligence Service
(6)Controversy over political neutrality is concerned”
(7)National Election Commission
(8)Confirmed by the fact that Paju Mayor Kim Kyung-il, etc. of the society, violated the civil rights code of the Civil Rights Commission
(9)Parliamentary suspension rust
(10)與 National Assembly should investigate the truth of the election watchdog’s hacking

image text translation

(1)The NEC has never been penetrated
(2)與 In case of hacking, list leakage and vote manipulation are also possible
(3)National Election Commission
(4)”North Korea’s hacking emails and malicious code infections
(5)from the National Intelligence Service
(6)I have not been informed by wire of the document
(7)National Intelligence Service official
(8)”In the e-mail of the officer in charge of the commission
(9)It has notified several times of North Korea’s hacking attempts
(10)Refusing to submit data to the NEC Board of Audit and Inspection

The 8th episode of North Korea hacking

National Intelligence Service Refusal to Help

Aren’t these really suspicious

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