Kang with the most fraudulent abilities.jpg

image text translation

(1)It’s the Nile
(2)It’s so fraudulent
(3)civilization mathematics
(4)The name of the ancient Egyptians is believed to be Kemet, which means black land
(5)But the reason why it’s called black land is because when the Nile drains, the soil becomes black, and this black soil is the most suitable soil for farming
(6)If I were in school, I would know what color of soil would be good for farming
(7)And Egypt was one country that wanted to take all of this black soil
(8)He also prayed to the natural god to pray for better farming, and religion was born
(9)The religion also spreads to different regions and has a great influence on Greek mythology
(10)Greek mythology also had a profound influence on the formation of European civilization
(11)It’s Seungyup
(12)S2b-c² – a²
(13)G=-02 = Dong
(14)r= Today, um
(15)The problem is that once the Nile River overflows, it separates farmers’ farmland
(16)The mooring became a limbo, so there was a lot of conflict
(17)So to make a clear distinction, surveying was invented
(18)Developed mathematics to calculate heights
(19)Mathematics has advanced, architecture has advanced
(20)Also, because of the surplus product, the population has increased, and that population has become one of the largest
(21)a buildup of
(22)Based on the accumulated wealth, the architectural technology and religion are more important
(23)the end of the year
(24)And all of this is called civilization
(25)Jeju Tourism Organization Duty Free Shop
(26)Easy Internet duty-free shopping when using Jeju domestic airline ships
(27)Most of Egypt’s population still lives on the Nile
(28)This alone shows how fraudulent it is. For your information, Lee Il-gang
(29)Zip-in 110 million districts
(30)To put it mildly, the Nile was the lifeline of mankind
(31)Source Smiling Global Gallery Original View


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