Instead of government contaminated water, treated water according to Japan’s policy

image text translation

(1)Unitary government Fukushima contaminated water →
(2)Initiate review of throughput terminology change
(3)INPUT 20235110500 CORRECTED 20235110536
(4)The government has launched a review into changing the official term Fukushima nuclear power plant contaminated water to treated water

image text translation

(1)In the meantime, the Japanese government was killed by the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011
(2)It has maintained its position that the treated water is right because it is stored and treated with radioactive nuclides removed and sent to the sea Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who visited Korea on the 7th, also stressed at a press conference that he would not recognize the release in a form that adversely affects the health and marine environment of his people and Koreans

The sole government has begun reviewing the term change of Fukushima contaminated water → treated water

The government has launched a review into changing the official term Fukushima nuclear power plant contaminated water to treated water A government source familiar with consultations on Fukushima’s contaminated water said 10


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