Husband angry at wife wearing ripped leggings jpg

image text translation

(1)This is a dress
(4)It’s cute. Why don’t you wear it
(5)I’ll throw away all the leggings
(7)I’ll buy it for you in winter

image text translation

(2)Don’t be so tight. It doesn’t feel good to see how much it’s worth
(3)I’ll buy it for you. Don’t wear it
(5)It’s because I’m a pig. My thighs are swept away
(6)It’s not that we broke up because it’s been a long time
(10)Anyway, you buy it for me then

image text translation

(1)Coffee reader 2023-05-05 104064670
(2)Best 1
(3)But I’ll be happy because my husband cares about me
(4)Recommended reply
(5)Soft Sesame Seed 2023-05-104848570
(6)Lol, good husband though


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