an executive who suddenly disappeared during training

an executive who suddenly disappeared during training

image text translation

(1)During the height of the cold weather training, the commander’s retona did not appear for a while, causing a stir at the command center
(2)That’s strange.
(3)Who’s going to be late
(4)I’m not the head of the military
(5)The battalion commander and the chief of operations were worried that there was an accident
(6)I’m sorry!
(7)From afar, a Japanese military chief appeared
(8)The head of the military and personnel divisions dropped out
(9)The whole story was like this
(10)A silton with the head of the county and the head of the personnel department was passing by the road, and an old lady with a black bag full of hands was sitting on the street
(11)It’s in the countryside
(12)The bus stop is far from home
(13)Put down your heavy burden
(14)Sitting on the side of the road dangerously
(15)”The head of the county suddenly turns the car around
(16)I went to my grandmother
(17)HR manager, we’re training right now
(18)I’ll be late at this late
(19)Chief of the military. It’s the military to protect the people
(20)Chief of the county chief, I think she’s going to get cold weather
(21)I don’t want to let him be so dangerous
(22)It’s more important than training the chief of munitions
(23)I’m a soldier
(24)I’ll take care of everything
(25)Chief of Military Manpower, grandma. He’s our soldier
(26)It’s our training, so I colored my face black. Don’t be surprised
(27)The weather is very cold
(28)I’ll take you to my house
(29)I took her to her house and I was late for the money
(30)a return to training
(31)The commander of the battalion commander’s operations department heard the situation from the chief
(32)He didn’t. Be quiet
(33)Rich with bangs
(34)When it comes to executives, our main enemy
(35)You talk a lot
(36)Daewoo-chan, a senior official who is like a general
(37)I hope so
(38)The executive committee that seems like Kwon Woo-chan has become a general
(39)I hope so

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