A crime that cannot be forgiven even if one dies, according to the organizer of the relics

A crime that cannot be forgiven even if one dies, according to the organizer of the relics

image text translation

(1)He’s been dead for about three weeks
(2)I was cleaning up the scene of the death at a studio apartment, and the manager said
(3)On top of that, he said something happened on the day he moved in
(4)It’s bad
(5)On the air conditioner side pipe on the bed
(6)The necktie clearly showed the scene of suicideBut I suddenly had a question
(7)Is it possible at a height where your feet touch the floor
(8)But I soon found out
(9)What determines life and death is
(10)It’s not the height of your feet, but the will of your life
(11)But I thought something was wrong
(12)Why do I have two ties
(13)So I asked the janitor what happened
(14)One of the deceased
(15)I guess not
(17)Even a 4-year-old kid
(18)I heard there was
(19)What are you say
(20)a daughter
(21)I don’t know what the police said
(22)The father gave the child
(24)The stories between the cops are, according to what they say
(25)His father was 31 years old
(26)The child’s mother was only 23 years oldIt’s sweet
(27)He’s been unemployed for a long time
(28)a young man who had difficulty in living and nurturing
(29)Mom finally ran away
(30)The doctor said, “Will you live far away from me?” And she stopped taking care of her son
(31)Until when
(32)Come on, your wife
(33)on the day of the incident
(34)My son came to my son’s house without much burden
(35)take care of
(36)Where are we going
(37)the back of a father and daughter who left home for Christmas
(38)That’s what grandmother’s teeth are like
(39)He said it was his last appearance
(40)I’m listening to thisgo
(41)I burst into tearsWhen I was a nogasal
(42)Because my daughter is also your door
(43)The alternative parent
(44)How can I
(45)This morning, I went to work with my daughter’s smiling smile in my eyes, who would have held her in my arms before going to work
(46)When you come back later
(47)I’ll get some snacks
(48)even when holding hands
(49)Even when you’re in your chest, that weak body
(50)I was afraid I might break it
(51)Don’t have your dad
(52)I thought I was worse than dying
(53)I’ll bet you’re dead
(54)He committed an unforgivable crime
(55)My daughter’s smile in the morning
(56)a dead child found in the afternoon
(57)I was so sad when I had mixed feelings
(58)I burst into tears and ran out the door
(59)Staff members understand me
(60)He silently cleaned up the scene and swallowed his nose
(62)He buried his head
(63)Turn your head and look into the room
(64)A teddy bear that had lost its owner was lying on its backI couldn’t go back to the scene that day because I was looking for the doll without it
(65)Like Lin Chae-yum’s rock
(66)Even now, three angels are broken because of the wrong choice
(67)one’s parents
(68)Kkotlin, the thin woman
(69)I hope this sadness doesn’t happen anymore
(70)Every child in the world has flowers
(71)I don’t believe in God
(72)To God, I prayed for the first time in the world

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