Yoon Jong Shin’s best level of malicious comments.jpg

image text translation

(1)Album Information 23
(2)I hope, I hope, Summer Ver
(3)Leave an album review
(4)2913837 The most disgusting comedians are singers
(5)”Fan ID” wrote thisRegistration date 2010-06-280050 view count 731 recommended number
(6)Comedians who don’t have music
(7)Throwing music in a digital single like this
(8)I hate it the most
(9)Yoon Jong Shin, I understand that it’s hard to make a living because you’re married
(10)Don’t release an album like this
(11)There’s a limit to holding it in
(12)Is the public easy
(13)If you’re a comedian, I hope you’ll be on a variety show like

image text translation

(1)This post is
(2)It was a compliment to me
(3)He’s recognized for his singing and sense of humor
(4)I didn’t feel bad at all from the start
(5)It helped Yoon Jongshin spread quickly
(6)#2010 #MonthlyYoon Jongshin #July issue #I hope #Postino #To GoddessTang #Thank you

Highly praised

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