Sexual assault on a student in his 20s in a faculty laboratory in his 80s

image text translation

(1)a granddaughter sexual assault
(2)News Desk
(3)the 18th of last month
(4)A faculty member in her 80s sexually assaulted a female student in her 20s

image text translation

(1)MBC News Desk
(2)sexual assault on one’s granddaughter
(3)Feed lab on the 18th of last month
(4)”That’s what I’m saying.”
(5)You look like a girl and you’re so pretty
(6)That’s why.
(7)You don’t look like a student.”

image text translation

(1)sexual assault on one’s granddaughter
(2)Feed lab on the 18th of last month
(3)”Wow, you’re wearing a lot, too.”
(4)Why are you wearing so many clothes

image text translation

(1)MBC News Desk
(2)sexual assault on one’s granddaughter
(3)Feed lab on the 18th of last month
(4)”Lean on my neck
(5)The person you love
(6)I’ll do it for you

image text translation

(1)a granddaughter sexual assault
(2)News Desk
(3)He committed a crime against a working scholarship student he worked with


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