a bird nesting in its shoes

image text translation

(1)It’s a shoe I left outside. A bird nestled and laid eggs
(2)The owner of the shoes left it as it is and there are people there
(3)I heard they’re closing the door
(4)It’s a beautiful house

image text translation

(1)★ Don’t get married
(2)2020-06-05 112513 Recommendation 12
(3)Birds are amazing
(4)When you build a house, you collect the glue and make it
(5)The old days are awesome
(6)Four comments
(7)2020-06-05 114508 Recommended 93
(8)If you want to buy a house, pay less than the grass rate
(9)Collection for Decades to Visit Korea
(10)the beauty of our neighborhood
(11)2020-06-05 210107 Recommended 40
(12)1(Crying)Who cried Why are you hitting my bones like that

image text translation

(1)He takes a branch and lays an egg on it’s a nest
(2)without conscience
(3)Life moves 10 like a pigeon
(4)Recommended reply
(5)LD taking a leave of absence soon 2023-05-14 14135570
(6)You must have had a lot of time


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