Jack Black wanted to do a hidden camera prank for the last episode of Conan Show

The title came up weirdly

I want to die because of lunch while I’m on a real-time road

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(1)I have a story to tell you today
(2)It’s hard to believe, but it’s absolutely true
(3)Jack Black was stronger than ever
(4)Until just yesterday!!!!!!!
(5)Actually, I felt a little pressured coming out here
(6)No, it’s burdensome. Business
(7)Everyone loves Jack Black from the start
(8)It’s always true
(9)I’m so happy to invite you as our last show guest
(10)I think I need to say something because I’m a bit poked
(11)I’ll tell you. You’ll tell me
(12)I don’t want to say it
(13)- Tell me

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(1)I wanted to make the last episode special
(2)So I prepared a musical versionI put in a lot of dynamic things, too
(3)And I got hurt while singing a musical song
(4)He’s pretending to get hurt
(5)-○○ Pretending to get hurt
(6)And when the medical staff comes in and puts me on a stretcher and moves me to the ambulance, I say, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!Conan Hanti, you have to go
(7)And we filmed a video of us going back
(8)We filmed it so many times
(9)I thought it would come out better
(10)Because you’re such a perfectionist
(11)But the problem is
(12)I was really hurt while I was doing that
(13)I was running like this
(14)- Right in front of me
(15)So I’m filming the scene that I’m going to film tonight

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(1)Jack was supposed to pretend he was hurt
(2)We thought we were done
(3)Let’s do it one more time! I was running
(4)I sprained my ankle
(5)I totally fell down
(6)Everyone was panicking and ran away
(7)But there was an ambulance prepared for the shoot next to us!
(8)But the funny thing is
(9)I’m sorry to you, but what was really funny was
(10)There was an ambulance next to us
(11)So I yelled at the people in the ambulance
(12)I said, “Help me”. And he said
(13)”Sorry, but we’re just actors”
(14)”Then, give me a bandage inside the ambulance!”
(15)”I’m sorry, but these ambulances are all fake.”
(16)So, the performers dressed as medical staff at the ambulance
(17)I drove the ambulance to the pharmacy and bought the bandage myself
(18)I can’t live in such a terrible situation It’s my first time seeing it

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(1)But he went there really quickly
(2)I bought it quickly and wrapped it around my feet
(3)I took an MRI this morning just in case
(4)The doctor told me to get enough rest because I’m injured
(5)You can’t dance, you can’
(6)They can’t move like crazy for a while
(7)We need to rest
(8)I was so upset
(10)I am!!!!!!!!!!!
(11)You’re the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(12)I have to be the last guest for Conan Show!!
(13)But eventually, I became the guest who is the most like a real loser☆
(14)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(15)I’ve been thinking about it seriously
(16)The doctor said
(17)I didn’t tell you not to sing
(18)One by one, one by one
(19)My dear friend
(20)Andy’s the same

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(1)a new year’s term
(2)You always make me laugh
(3)He’s so sweet
(4)Like cotton candy
(5)The lyrics
(6)I made it in a hurry today
(8)The lyrics are so shitty
(9)He got excited and even got up
(10)I threw myself into that sea
(11)He crawled millions of kilometers
(12)Tall A.L! White skin!!
(13)This is the rat of Conan
(15)Even though we couldn’t do a hidden camera, it ended well

The fun Conan show. Ohhhhaha

By the way, Jack Black and Conan are both so cute

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(1)Jeong Jjingkung 2023-05-13 160505 1870
(2)Best 1
(3)We are the man rock! Move 6
(4)Burning Body 2023-05-14055015070
(5)The Conan Show is over. It happened two years ago
(6)Second year of high school

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