a schoolboy tired of nursing and drinking

image text translation

(1)Kim double tongue. So
(2)Why did you go to such a department with so many women
(3)Who knew this was a fruit
(4)Way to go! [Laughing] [Laughing]
(5)Someone might envy you immensely LOL
(6)Engineering or something
(7)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(8)There are people who can’t make a proper girlfriend for the rest of their lives
(9)Tell him to come
(10)Tell him to come and say something like that
(11)I was preparing for something
(12)I met all the students in the department in advance
(13)I’m stuck in the corner by myself, so the coffee is chewy
(14)Chewy[Laughing] [Laughing]
(15)Jjoljjjol. I can imagine itI’m scared
(16)No, seriously
(17)If there are more than three women, the fighting power, the talking power, etc
(18)The cardinal number seems to be going up exponentially
(19)Whenever I laugh, I’m like, “Hahahahaha
(20)I hit the table and it was shaking
(21)My eyes are shaking
(23)I think I know what a woman feels like in engineering
(24)It’s not a good thing. It’s not a queen bee
(25)I’m just a male worker here
(26)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(27)I’m not a queen bee just because I’m an engineering major[Laughing]
(28)Even when we’re together, it’s quiet
(29)They’re all self-conscious. They’
(30)Of course, there are people who are nice to me
(31)I’m very quiet in the group chat
(32)The group chat. That’s also a problem
(33)I accidentally
(34)I think I went into a local female chat room
(35)Twenty people are talking, but the battery is out
(36)a local woman [Laughing] [Laughing]
(37)If I don’t talk in the meantime, I think I’ll the meantime
(38)We talked about racy things inside
(39)You’re working so hard
(40)Should I drop out
(41)I don’t know if anyone brings it up
(42)Shut up. MIN JU is here Babies, you’re doing this
(43)Yeah, me too
(44)When someone brings up something racy
(45)There’s a hieroglyph here
(46)Then, I’d be like this
(47)Let’s chew and taste Sanghyung
(48)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(49)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(50)Talking to a close friend
(51)If you can’t make a girlfriend there, I’m serious
(52)If you can’t make a baby who has lived alone for the rest of his life
(53)Yeah, make a girlfriend
(54)Then it’s gonna be better. It’s more because you’re single
(55)I’m going to change my name to Kim Banshin
(56)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(57)If I stay here longer, I’ll really wait
(58)I’m going to die in a daze You really saved my life
(59)a nursing department [Laughing] [Laughing]


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