What kind of pain can you endure

image text translation

(1)11 Inst
(2)I sneaked into a store
(3)11 Artificial Point Inquiry
(4)There’s a kettle that I’m attracted to
(5)11 Intipo
(6)Stealing like you’re possessed by something
(7)Magic Teapot
(8)The next day, when I burned my hair with a curling iron
(9)a kettle clattering
(10)I opened it and found some money in it
(11)11 Master Pocket
(12)Just in case, I put my hair straightener on it for a longer time
(13)11 Magic Tea
(14)11 administrative measures
(15)I have more teeth
(16)11 Mastige
(17)a kettle where the more you suffer, the more money you get


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