A book or movie that a movie critic talks about

image text translation

(1)Books vs movies
(2)It’s more for
(3)What are the good things
(4)Film critic Lee Dongjin
(5)Of course, movies are cultured
(6)It’s part of it. SO
(7)Movies are
(8)It’s like “Alcohol”
(9)It’s like water
(10)- What does it mean
(11)Books are about us
(12)in a good sense
(13)Make it cold
(14)Young Good Hwa is
(15)It’s making us hot
(16)But basically, the opposite sex
(17)It’s cold
(18)The person who said it
(19)in accordance with someone’s opinion
(20)I’ll give you an answer
(21)when it comes to culture
(22)Movies are about books
(23)I’ll follow you forever
(24)You won’t be able to
(25)The nature of the opposite sex itself
(26)It’s close to the water


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