the worst part-timer to work with

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(1)in search of life
(2)Hey, Xion
(3)I’ll find the M student

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(1)Let’s find M
(2)What time is it
(3)I’ll find the M student
(4)in search of jaeng
(5)Take off your headphones

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(1)I’ll find the M student
(2)I unlocked the noise cancellation
(3)You punk
(4)in search of life

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(1)Why are you so sensitive today
(2)You were late
(3)Why are you sitting down
(4)through policymaking
(5)Don’t do your best
(6)It’s the minimum amount
(7)Just do it as much as you want as much as you want

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(1)I’ll find the M student
(2)We have to go out, so please change it to a take-out glass

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(1)I’ll find the M student
(2)You should have told me in advance
(3)Here’s the take-out cup
(4)in search of life
(5)The lid
(6)They don’t even close the lid
(7)angry guests

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(1)in search of a pair
(2)But the customers before… It’s not that good
(3)I’ll find the M student

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(1)I’ll find the M student
(2)His eyes are weird
(3)It’s not Xion’s fault

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(1)I’ll find the M student
(2)He’s here
(3)It’s not your shift yet. Hurry up and come in
(4)All right, all right

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(1)I’ll find the M student
(2)What if you open it up at hourly wage
(3)I have to report it to the Labor Department

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(1)Looking for M student
(2)I think I’ll win if they fight
(3)I’ll find the M student
(4)Xion who can’t accept what he did wrong
(5)You’re crazy if you want the best part-time job while giving me the least amount of talent


These guys get cut off on the same day

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