The reason why Etain quit the nightlife.JPG|The reason why Etain quit the nightlife

image text translation

(1)How I ended up cutting off the nightlife
(2)If I have a girlfriend
(3)I’m gonna treat you with true love
(4)If my sex values are colored by this nightlife
(5)I was worried that my girlfriend would treat me like that, so I hung up
(6)I’ve been hanging up for about six minutes
(7)I’m going to keep writing this
(8)Anonymous 2 BEST
(9)I hit it 6 minutes ago and got hit with reality
(10)I didn’t travel abroad
(11)Then let’s go now! Overseas travel starts at around 200,000 won!
(12)People might think it’s been a week K

image text translation

(1)an anonymous writer
(2)Why is this hot? Since it’s hot, it shows my persistence
(3)an anonymous writer
(4)Ah, again


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