I went to a made cafe, and it turned out that made was my ex-girlfriend, ㄷJJPG

image text translation

(1)Welcome, master!
(2)Oh, hello
(3)When you order, you can call me Chuchu!
(4)Yes, please choose the food and order My master!
(5)Older brother
(6)Yoo Jahee, it’s been a while
(7)Right, it’s been a while
(8)I forgot
(9)I don’t think I have anything more to say
(10)”Please take my order”
(11)I’m sorry, but you can’t just leave
(12)I want to do this here
(13)Master Suhee, would you like to order
(14)What’s the most popular here
(15)They’re all good, but the most popular one is
(16)The girl’s secret
(17)I don’t want to get caught
(18)It’s Chuu, master
(19)What did you say
(20)a sigh of joy
(21)I don’t want to reveal her secret
(22)It’s Omereichu! Master!
(23)Are you going to make me do it or not!
(24)I see. I see
(25)But this is my preference
(26)No, it’s not that. Here
(27)Seong Junkhun! Yes!
(28)First of all, wow. I’m seeing you here again
(29)The animation for this quarter that I told you about
(30)First of all, I saw the book of Adventures in the World of Past Life
(31)I saw it first
(32)Oh, you didn’t watch it
(33)I want to buy eyes that I haven’t seen!
(34)First of all, but you have to come next week
(35)Tuesday at 7pm. Animate in Hongdae
(36)First of all, IDOL MASTER Cinderella
(37)First, let’s have a deep discussion about this
(38)Go away
(39)You’ve been hiding it well
(40)Bring me omurichu. I’m hungry
(41)Please wait, my lord!
(42)Here’s your order, Omri-Chu Master
(43)I’ll put ketchup on you!
(44)Oh, master!!
(45)Wait a minute. It’s not over yet!
(46)Enjoy your meal, master!!
(47)Sungjun, just go
(48)a deep sigh of joy
(49)Then, together
(50)Let’s memorize the spell to make it delicious
(51)Soohee, be delicious
(52)Be delicious
(53)Soohee, ggyuung!
(54)Enjoy your meal, master
(55)Can you put me on the phone
(56)Is something wrong
(57)This table is my ex-boyfriend
(58)It’s a bit uncomfortable
(59)Hanako, will you look at the table over there
(60)I’ll just go with the original


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