Are Seoul citizens the only citizens

image text translation

(1)Emergency disaster text message
(3)Wednesday, May 31st
(4)Seoul Metropolitan Government issued a warning to the Seoul area at 6:32 today, so please prepare to evacuate and allow children and the elderly to evacuate first
(6)Ministry of Public Administration and Security 0641 Seoul Special
(7)The city issued a warning
(8)I’ll let you know it’s an announcement

image text translation

(1)Seoul Launches North Korean Missile
(2)An emergency message has been sent due to
(3)This is to inform you that the alert for all areas of Seoul has been liftedCitizen
(4)I hope you get back to your normal routine

Only Seoul citizens are citizens

Is this a country

It doesn’t sound like sirens in the sirens

Why didn’t you send me a disaster message

at the Ministry of the Interior and Safety

At 7:03, I sent a text saying “Oh Bal-ryeong”

At 7:25, the Seoul Metropolitan Government

The alert has been lifted

What kind of situation is this

Your Yoon Suk Yeol

Did you drink yesterday

While sleeping, the siren sound

I don’t think they heard it

He was surprised by his snoring

I said I woke up

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