In & Out, there’s no reason to open a store in Korea

It took 40 years to open in Las Vegas, right next to California Even when it opened in the central part, people from the eastern part of the hamburger industry flocked and the line was tens of kilometers by car. Far from the eastern part, the northwest part of the hamburger industry has no plan to open it, but it is unlisted, the highest sales per store, and the most pride in the U.S

image text translation

image text translation

(1)In&Out has their own vegetables and stores
(2)It is not easy to enter overseas markets because it only sticks to direct stores using patties made from beef grown on weak farms There is also a principle of opening stores only within the same-day delivery distance for freshness
(3)The reason why In & Out risked their lives to uphold this principle was that it took 40 years to go to Las Vegas, not California Ji

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