What’s up with the delivery for seniors

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(1)KBS Busan
(2)9 National Lowest Fee…Old man crying old man courier’

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(1)the KBS department
(2)old-timer’s home delivery
(3)6070 Mac■
(4)Voice modulation of elderly courier participants
(5)The delivery fee went down. It was 405 won and then 400 won
(6)I mean, I need to get paid more and more
(7)It’s getting smaller as time goes by, so I can’t say anything

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(1)KBS Busan
(2)Old Man Crying Old Man Delivery
(3)Delivery agency 600 won
(4)a senior club
(5)Corporate consignment operation
(6)400 won for elderly courier service participants

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(1)KBS Busan
(2)Old Man Crying Old Man Delivery
(3)another municipality official
(4)I’ll give you all the commissions. What’s the point of deducting fees from social servicesIt’s so low in itself

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(1)KBS Busan
(2)old-timer’s home delivery
(3)176 Courier
(4)another municipality official
(5)The purpose of the senior club is to pay the elderly a lot
(6)It’s not the institution’s purpose to leave the reserves…
(7)It’s a little small, so I’ve never heard of 400 won…

There’s a group that’s stuck in the middle and skipping it

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