foreigners who say they are losing affection in our country

image text translation

(1)Lucky from India
(2)Since 1996, I have lived in Korea for 27 years
(3)A picture of a homeless man and a gentleman who touched my heart
(4)When a homeless man asked for a cup of coffee in the cold winter, the gentleman did this after handing him a 50,000 won billHe took off his gloves and coat
(5)I felt warm in Korea
(6)A picture of a homeless man and a gentleman who impressed you!
(7)I don’t sleep these days
(8)Lucky has been living in Korea for 27 years, but he doesn’t use the word “jeong” these days
(9)Lucky said that he had a lot of affection in the 90s
(10)He said that there are a lot of Koreans
(11)But these days, he says no
(12)When a homeless man asked for a cup of coffee in the cold winter, the gentleman did this after handing him a 50,000 won billI took off the problem children’s gloves and coats
(13)I don’t use the word “jeong” these days
(14)A picture of a homeless man and a gentleman who impressed you!!
(15)When a homeless man asked for a cup of coffee in the cold winter, the gentleman did this after handing him a 50,000 won billHe took off his gloves and coat
(16)rather wary people
(17)These days, people are wary of each other
(18)Professor Yuji Hosaka
(19)I came to Korea in 1988 and have lived in Korea for 35 years
(20)Keep the conversation council enthusiastic
(21)Whatever you are, QA
(22)I was on a bus back in 1988-89
(23)Keep the Dialogue Parliament Hot Saka
(24)Anything QA
(25)- The only story I have with you is a figment
(26)in front of
(27)A high school student
(28)Keep the conversation council saka
(29)The only thing you can do is QA
(30)Of course
(31)I’m so flustered by your silent response
(32)I was on the bus in 1989, and I was holding my bag, and it was in front of me
(33)The student said he was flustered at first
(34)have a conversation committee
(35)You and infinite lon Anything QA
(36)culture absent in
(37)The party was bewildered because it was not a culture in Japango
(38)Later, I knew that someone would carry my bag because I was afraid it would be heavy
(39)I’ve been beaten
(40)Dialogue Council AD
(41)The only you and infinite anything QA
(42)There were many transportation workers
(43)Keep the conversation going, mith Hosaka
(44)- The only thing I can talk about with you
(45)Korea is a good country
(46)Because there is no culture like this in Japan, Korea is a really good country
(47)City maintained ten dialogue councils
(48)The only one with you, infinite story, whatever QA
(49)It’s gone a lot
(50)Of course, at the time
(51)But now, they don’t look like this anymore


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