Russian Air Force drops focused bullets on civilians.

Nick Waters
First example of air-dropped cluster munition Ive seen
An RBK-500 reportedly in Zatoka Odessa These are
extremely nasty and can drop hundreds of submuntions
12 751
Nick Waters
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The local authorities in Zatoka also state they recovered an
RBK-250 another air-dropped cluster munition
The failure rate of these submunitions is high usually a large
proportion of bomblets do not detonate which frequently
end up injuring or killing curious children
22 157

Nick Waters
Головне управлння ДСНС Украни
4 березня групою протехнчних
робт Аварйно-рятувального заго
I Nick Waters retweeted.corey scher
coreymaps 512
Though cloud obstruction prevents Maxar optical sensors
from collecting more high-res data satellite radar can see
through clouds

Common airdropped clustered munition
The RBK weapons system is essentially a hollow metal container which houses a large number
of smaller munitions The weapon is deployed via aircraft and is compatible with the lightweight MiG interceptors 2123 used by the Syrian bombs
Upon deployment from the aircraft the cluster
bomb splits oport and disperses its payload
The submunitions separate from the container
in some cases igniting in midair and blanket
a wide area making this a haphazard weaponThe RBK duster bomb can be fitted with a wide range of submunitions – in Syria the use of
incendiary fragmentation and anti-armor submunitions have been observed The dispersal
and subsequent detonation of the submunitions is high would
seem to indicate inadequate training for pilots or the degradation of the weapons themselves
It is suspected that some of the RBKs deployed by the Syrian Airforce are older and contain submunitions whose chemical triggers have degraded over time contributing to a higher dud-rate The result is a significant risk to civilian popul
Fortunately, all of them didn’t go off.

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