Don’t bug. Jpg

image text translation

(1)Japan, a country with so many vending machines that it is called the country of vending machines
(2)It is famous as the country that uses the most coins
(3)In the 1990s, in Japanese vending machines
(4)A 500 won coin with a hole in it
(5)It’s found in bulk!!
(6)The development of the case is
(7)Similar communications between Japan and Korea
(8)500 yen coins issued in Japan
(9)I feel the same way as 500 won in Korea
(10)If you make a hole in the 500 won coin and lower the weight a little
(11)It was recognized as 500 yen by a Japanese vending machine
(12)It was 840 won for H840 won
(13)But the problem is
(14)It’s worth 500 yen, 5,000 won
(15)500 yen, honey
(16)If you make a hole for 500 won
(17)The miracle Donberg of 5,000 won was possible
(18)Japan, which suffered huge economic damage from this incident
(19)I think Koreans are the culprits
(20)We’re going to start an investigation
(21)500 won in Japan is 500 yen on the vending machine
(22)Distribution of 20,000 pieces with 500 won coin cut
(23)Modified Chinese Organization Recent
(24)500 won Dongjin recently caught 20,000 distribution modulation Chinese organizations
(25)TOKYO-Lee Hyuk Jae-gi Modulation Korean Won 100 Won, which is a Chinese manipulated ion by Paris in Japan
(26)the arrest of a person in substitute
(27)It’s done, Nihon Keizai reported on the 13th This is a newspaper where the police are sui and the newsletter
(28)In Tokyo, 10,000 coins were sold in the central region
(29)It was the Chinese who used the coin to pierce it
(30)Take 500 won coins from Korea
(31)A Chinese organization that professionally reduces weight was operating
(32)And when this case became a big issue
(33)It’s not just the Chinese
(34)500 yen. 50 pieces of honey. 0 yen
(35)The Japanese provocation alone begins to abuse Donberg
(36)500 pieces. 500 pieces. 500 yen
(37)Japan, where the Great Gallari became more difficult, did this
(38)You crazy punk
(39)You did it wrong!!!
(40)in that way
(41)I ask Korea to change the 500 won tie
(42)Issue date of 500 yen in Japan
(43)June 30, 1981
(44)Issue date of 500 won in Korea
(45)January 8th, 1981
(46)It turned out that Korea made 500 won first
(47)Japan has nothing to say again
(48)Eventually, Japan withdrew all of the previously issued 500 yen
(49)I issued a new 500 yen
(50)Vending machine is
(51)It was replaced with a new 500 yen-only vending machine
(52)In the ’90s, the big reality version of Donberg is eventually matched by a student undergraduate year at Manda University

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