Old apartments that young people can’t even imagine these days.jpg

image text translation

(1)Just 40 years ago
(2)I used briquettes to heat my apartment
(3)a chimney that emits briquette smoke on the roof of an apartment building
(4)If you look at the apartment plan, there’s a briquette furnace
(5)A hidden story of a master’s book, “National Song” and “Go Ye.”
(6)Internet community
(7)Until the 1980s, apartment buildings were heated with briquettes
(8)There are briquettes piled up in the hallway
(9)Of course, only cold water comes out of the faucet
(10)Boil water in a big pot and make hot water
(11)I washed my face and washed my hair in the winter
(12)I can’t imagine hot water coming out when I turn on the faucet like now
(13)Those in their 40s lived like that when they were young

image text translation

(1)Reply IPCC 10th year 2023-06-04512019463 Best 1
(2)The age when destruction flowed into the blood vessels, if I had to destroy briquettes, I was wondering if I should hit the black one or the black one, but my brother burned all the black ones, so it’s black. You can break them down because they’re all used up! I did it. I’m so smart that my brother’s chestnut! Grab the shovel and plow the briquettes of Da-dong 13 Move
(3)Recommended reply
(4)I must be crazy[Laughing] Destruction is undiluted in the blood vessels
(5)I wanted to start with that [Laughing]
(6)See you 2023-06-04 203845
(7)And with appropriate responses, children are also being treated by adults
(8)It was a time of destruction
(9)Soft Black Rain 2023-06-04 174944670
(10)North Korea says it still takes firewood from apartments
(11)X oppa 2023-06-04 235649
(12)Best laugh
(13)Academic Antibacterial Pharmacology
(14)ⓒState Life Research Institute
(15)It was more comfortable with this. 6R
(16)Recommended reply


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