a 30-something martial arts student who wielded a weapon

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(1)A martial arts student in his 30s who wielded a weapon that almost cost him Kim Sang-wook of the steel unit

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(1)In April 2022, A opened his coach Kim at Kickboxing Gymnasium in Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
(2)He is suspected of trying to kill by wielding a weapon several times
(3)It was investigated that Mr. A claimed that he was bullied and ignored by Mr. Kim in the process of learning sports
(4)A is also accused of assaulting a police officer in a police station detention center and assaulting the prisoner by pouring hot water in a detention center
(5)In court, A claimed that he had no intention of killing Kim, but the court judged that he had intention of murder by combining the prepared weapon and wound

The court said severe punishment was inevitable, saying that if Kim failed to defend in a timely manner, he could have lost his life

But what’s funny is that A judged that he committed the crime in a state of mental weakness considering the results of the doctor’s appraisal that he had been treated for mental illness [Laughing] [Laughing]

Whenever I do something, how many times do I get out of it like a mental or physical weakness? ^^^

It’s just that the law makes criminals

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