a student who hates his mother’s parenting blog

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(1)A student who hates his mother’s parenting blog.jpg
(2)Read more about the rankings for June 03, 2023
(3)I hope mothers don’t do parenting YouTube
(4)o 20230602 1512 inquiry 102389 recommendation 869
(5)Comments 118. Write comments
(6)My mom blogged because she took a lot of pictures of me when I was young
(7)Blogs have become so-called power bloggers, and my mom has been sponsored and advertised a lot
(8)But I’m friends at school. Whenever I ask if this is your mom’s blog, I’m embarrassed
(9)Sometimes, my friends tease me not to spill orange juice today because of the orange juice I spilled when I was young
(10)I was really embarrassed when my friends burst into laughter when I saw the picture of my swimsuit when I was chubby in kindergarten
(11)When I tell my friend or relative’s mother about these worries, everyone treats me like a strange person
(12)”These are the records of my mother’s love for you. These are memories that I can’t see afterwards,” I become the only child
(13)It’s not that I don’t understand my mom’s feelings, but can I see the memories behind closed doors like an album
(14)Do I have to show it to others? Even if I’m bothered by it
(15)In my mom’s blog, I had a hard time with her
(16)I can see how much effort and love you put into it It’s all written about how she feels
(17)So others tell me to be a good son to my mom
(18)But I don’t even remember my troublemaker back then But
(19)You have to feel guilty about
(20)I understand how you feel, but I hope you only know me and see me
(21)Everyone understands your mom’s heart, but why is the story spread without consent
(22)Don’t you understand how I feel
(23)If the child-rearing diaries of children who didn’t agree weren’t uploaded as a whole

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(1)Neighborhood Crazy Dog 2023-06-04 10303983472
(2)I used to laugh and say, “Oh, cute” when I see pictures of children, but these days, I changed my mind, but it’s a memory of my mom loving you in the first place. It’s not a memory of my mom. It’s a memory of an unspecified person. It’s an excuse to ask for attention rather than a child’s memory
(3)Recommended reply
(4)LD better tie 2023-06-04 160453 2650
(5)I think it’s really amazing to post a picture of a child on a smiley face
(6)If you’re angry, my child’s picture will be released to an unspecified number of people
(7)You don’t know where it’s going to go, but it’s scary
(8)Neighborhood Crazy Dog 2023-06-04 160601
(9)And people who work in crime used to say that it was very dangerous. When SNS is active like these days, you can see who’s child is by looking at SNS, so it’s easy to commit crimes using it, so I don’t want you to do that for children or family
(10)Tie it up. 2023-06-04 162931
(11)I don’t like to post pictures of my baby
(12)Recommended reply
(13)I want to go home and 2023-06-04516 370
(14)You don’t know if you reveal your private life, but your family or acquaintances
(15)Exposing is really moving individual games
(16)Recommendation R reply


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