an argument for burying a personally

image text translation

(1)It’s not related, but I remember that
(2)When you bury a person, if you stand on your hands and bury it upside down
(3)Of course, you can’t come out because you think your head is above your head
(4)Home 500ml7 June 5th
(5)Among the stories of people who have been in a mountain disaster, two things I was scared me
(6)1 While walking along a familiar mountain path, I suddenly thought that I wanted to “pioneer” a new path, so I went in the wrong direction, and the expression “pioneering” is common
(7)I thought I went down, but the rescue point was where I went up
(8)View this thread

Gravity, of course, can tell up and down

If you bury a person that deep in the first place, you can’t dig it out on your own

be divided over

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