A comment that was posted on a community and got stuffed

image text translation

(1)○ I’ll keep that comment
(2)What are you scared of
(3)I was born in Sinan and went to middle school
(4)I came to Seoul
(5)She was at my house
(6)It’s not like you’re taking anyone from the street, it’s an occupational office
(7)We’re going to pay the referral fee and use the manpower
(8)Of course I paid him a salary. I paid him a referral fee, so if he ran away, he wouldn’t be able to run away
(9)The workers I’ve seen when I was young were diligent, but they weren’t good enough Most people don’t talk about themselves
(10)There were no parents or a lot of tramps
(11)Even beginners don’t like business owners, so there were a lot of experiences
(12)Due to the nature of the island, there are many rough things and it is not easy to escape, and the treatment is
(13)It was bad. Just like prostitution women were sold out and not treated, so were men
(14)Anyway, it was a deal between a job placement and a business owner who needed a worker
(15)The high area was just an island. It was a city deal
(16)An old man from my house remarried to a woman who died in the neighborhood
(17)She broke up with me only a short time ago
(18)I think she had a hard time being a woman at home life
(19)There’s crime, too
(20)But cities don’t have crimes where you live
(21)It’s a place where people live and there are many good people
(22)Don’t be too scared Don’t hate me
(23)Human trafficking is still around us

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