A couple who went on a vacation at a hotel in the middle of a blind date

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(1)My girlfriend is in the middle of a relationship, but she wants to go on a vacation
(2)Korea Electric Power Corporation ·
(3)㉡ 5 hours ⊙ 10K 219
(4)You know I’m paying for the hotel
(5)Why did you tell me to hide what you’re talking about
(6)I got a message saying I’m sorry, but I haven’t replied for two days

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(1)Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd
(2)Oppa, this is why I meet you
(3)㉡ 5 hours 2992
(4)LG Display V
(5)o I’m meeting you to do that

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(1)Hyundai Motor Company · Four
(2)It’s a disease. He’s so sensitive. He always goes to do that
(3)㉡ 5 hours 10493
(4)Hanon System! Go, go, go, go
(5)Why would a man go on a vacation after spending his annual leave when he pays for his own money
(6)I’d rather be stuck in the house and pecked at DIA4
(7)It’s so much fun to go on a vacation and take selfies in front of the pool and upload them on Instagram
(8)㉡ 5 hours 72

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(1)Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd
(2)There are a lot of weird people in KEPCO
(3)㉡ 5 hours 14401

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(1)New company jyeye
(2)She’s your girlfriend
(3)If you know I’m paying for the hotel, tell me. It’s crazy
(4)㉡ 5 hours 55 ○ loud and clear

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(1)The new company, jse, is going to make a mistake
(2)That’s why I don’t think about your fault in living without knowing that you’re going to get a hotel
(3)㉡ 5 hours and 38 hours
(4)a new company
(5)You’re not raising a baby. You have to look at that
(6)㉡ 4 hours and 17 hours

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(1)cacao noux
(2)My girlfriend told me not to go
(3)I just said let’s go
(4)There are a lot of crazy guys in the game

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(1)Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go
(2)Not my girlfriend, but the sexy team
(3)Don’t you want to do it’s
(4)Korail Distribution and Proga
(5)You have a partner, too
(6)㉡ 4 hours 27 ○ loud and clear

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(1)Korea Western Power Co., Ltd. Go, go, go
(2)Money money money money I’m sick and tired of it lol
(3)If it’s such a waste, I’ll just use it all by myself
(4)There are a lot of crazy kids in the commentsK
(5)㉡ Three hours, three, two, four, nine, three
(6)The U.S. Forces Korea
(7)How many women judge how much their boyfriend loves them by spending money
(8)㉡ Three hours

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(1)I understand why women are malevolent
(2)㉡ Two hours


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