a man who wants a divorce because of his mother-in-law

image text translation

(1)I’ve been married for 7 years, in my mid-30s, and I’m a double
(2)My father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s early last year, and he organized everything he was doing
(3)At the end of last year, my father and mother went abroad
(4)As a child, I still can’t believe it and it’s really hardI never imagined he’d be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s because he’s been studying all his life
(5)My father and mother are having a hard time
(6)But since my father’s diagnosis last year
(7)My mother-in-law keeps poking my sore spot
(8)When you first heard about your father, where did you get Alzheimer’s
(9)I heard it’s genetic, so instead of worrying about my father
(10)She was worried about my wife first
(11)The first thing he said after looking at me was
(12)You should be careful in advance. Don’t make my daughter poop
(13)That’s it
(14)As soon as I heard that, my mother-in-law dropped everything
(15)I’m a man, but I can’t fight with my mother-in-law
(16)I just smiled roughly, but every time I see myself for a year
(17)If you write whatever comes to mind
(18)Jeong Seo Bang, how are your memories
(19)It’s convenient for a professional nurse to take care of dementia, but for no reason
(20)He’s going through a lot in other countries
(21)How God made a man live until he pooped on the wall
(22)When we went to a restaurant and there was a side dish for fish
(23)I heard fish are good for dementia
(24)And so on. Dementia at the end of everything
(25)My mother-in-law watched my 4-year-old son and gave him allowance
(26)I have no choice but to see you often, but you’re going too far
(27)The person who takes care of my wife because I’m stressed out
(28)I said I’d use it, but my wife can leave her child in someone else’s hands
(29)There’s no way I can’t avoid my mother-in-law
(30)And I took care of my mother-in-law’s birthday two days earlier during the day, and my mother-in-law opened the presents and blew out the candles and said a word of blessing to my husband and wife, “Be careful of dementia.” I kicked out because I felt dirty He said he liked it and laughed out loud. And while he was doing that, his wife laughed with him
(31)I said, “Mom, stop it.” But I lost all my heart to my wife
(32)I was home alone, and my wife told me that she was narrow-minded
(33)She screamed and her mother-in-law was stabbed
(34)It’s a mother’s heart to think about her daughter
(35)So that I can understand. That’s what she sent me
(36)Eventually, he fought with his wife
(37)Ask everyone in the world
(38)I’m writing this because I’m wondering if it’s something to get this angry about
(39)What do you think this is if it’s not something to get angry about
(40)If it wasn’t for my mother-in-law, I would have hit her

I think most of them would have flipped it the first time or the second time

He’s holding it in

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