The ending of a lawyer who did not attend a school violence suit

image text translation

(1)Kwon Kyung-ae, who did not attend the school violence suit, killed two bereaved victims for a year
(2)Lawyer Kwon Kyung-ae, who failed to attend the trial of the victims of school violence, was suspended for one year. Lawyer Kwon did not show up at the modified disciplinary committee held yesterday and the bereaved family was expelled permanently
(3)The bereaved family who lost their absence from school violence, how can I see their daughter tomorrow
(4)Lee Ki-chul, the mother of the late Park Joo-won, who lost the school violence trial due to Kwon Kyung-ae’s failure to attend a series of lawsuits, said on the 20th, “I ran because I couldn’t stay still, and now I feel very miserable.” the day before
(5)Kwon Kyung-ae, who violated his duty of integrity, was suspended for one year and killed his bereaved family twice
(6)a Korean lawyer
(7)On the 19th, the Korean Bar Association sentenced Kwon Kyung-ae, a 58-year-old lawyer at the Judicial Research and Training Institute, to one year’s suspension for failing to attend a lawsuit in succession Byun Hyung-eun was disciplined at the Bar Association Center in Seocho-dong, Seoul, later in the day

a one-year suspension of qualifications

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