What an incumbent nurse says is the serious level of abortion these days

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(1)Q What are you interested in hiring team blinds >
(2)Topic > Bla bla
(3)Shocking level of girl preference these days. Abortion
(5)ⓒ Yesterday, 21K 354
(6)I can’t tell you where, but I’m a famous obstetrics and gynecology nurse in the Seoul metropolitan area who accepts births these days
(7)I’ve been working for more than 5 years and I feel like it’s getting worse
(8)There are a lot of people who come to have abortions
(9)Especially, there are a lot of couples who make mistakes and come to erase them
(10)But the director was checking the condition, and he saw it was a girl, and he said, “It’s a daughter.”
(11)He suddenly asked me to give birth to something like this
(12)I don’t know if there’s one or two of them, but if they find out that they’re the daughters of the humans who came to the child, most of them go to the side of giving birth to speeding. I’ve seen similar situations more than 10 times so far
(13)These days, most of them are daughters when a TV show
(14)And we have a team of test tubes in our hospital, and we can test fertilized eggs for genetic diseases, and if you turn them around, you’ll get a gender. How can you tell the team leader that you’re not supposed to give 10 million won
(15)I’ve seen a couple who do it again and again as a test tube
(16)These days, a son says he won a gold medal for his daughter every month, but he’s going to a serious level for obstetrics and gynecologist
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(20)Wow, when they grow up, they can watch the anti-abortion version of girls born in the 90s
(21)No wonder one of my acquaintances made an accident and erased it, but suddenly after getting married, he had a daughter and lived there

If it’s a daughter, get married even if it’s speeding

Even if you’re pregnant, you’ll have an abortion if you stay

Even if you have a hard time as a test tube, you’ll have an abortion

If you look at the blasher, it’s not an aggro, it’s a real obstetric nurse

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