The current situation in Russia

image text translation

(1)1 Russia is a competition for loyalty among military mercenaries and local forces
(2)2 Recently, Prigojin feels that he’s getting pushed and shows on TikTok
(3)3 Putin Ruling Shoigu Victory Prigo Jin Bogo Shoigu Crawl Under Shoigu
(4)4 Stretching Country Chaos = Hit it
(5)5 Threatening to hit the 1st goal, beating Shoigu 2nd goal If the atmosphere is good, Putin’s neck-picking alternative should be run, so keep the level of remarks appropriately
(6)5 Successful advance to Moscow
(7)6 But there’s no response from Moscow
(8)I ran at 7,000kg, but there’s nothing to do
(9)8 No supply. I think it’s ruined
(10)9 Putin doesn’t want to escalate into a civil war
(11)10 Pretending to make up because we understand each other here
(12)11 Conclusion As long as Prigozhin and Putin pulled out each other’s swords, trust is destroyed, but it’s ambiguous to fight each other, so it’s over pretending to make up

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