Russia’s coup d’et

image text translation

(1)this morning
(2)> Rostov-free nature of prigozine
(3)> Prigozhin will dominate southern regions and supply lines and screw PutinPrediction
(4)> Prigozhin’s rebellion will fail ISW official
(5)> Prigozhin’s rebellion will fail, Pentagon alone
(6)> Russian troops searching Wagner Center
(7)> Declared martial law in Moscow
(8)around noon today
(9)> Declare martial law in major southern regions
(11)> Take Prigozhin’s direct road to Moscow
(12)> Wagner Group not stopped by dispatch of rapid response forces at all
(13)> Wagner Group to enter major cities bound for Moscow, including Voroneys
(14)> Defense research institutes in each country feel something is wrong
(15)> Moscow vehicle inspection conducted
(16)> Oh, my. It’s a real reaction
(17)After the recording of Putin’s speech
(18)> Air Force tries to stop Wagner Group from advancing for the first time – failed ship shot
(19)> Russian troops are finally taking strategic action
(20)> But the strategy is the Moscow Siege
(21)> Wagner Group continues to advance to Moscow without any resistance after Air Force attempts to stop it
(22)> Wagner Group continues to grow in size, including incorporating prison prisoners into mercenaries
(23)> Russia’s fate to be determined within 24 hours BBC
(24)> Military intelligence in each country in a mental breakdown
(25)> Wrong ISW again
(26)After Putin’s confirmation of St. Petersburg’s escape from the U.S
(27)> Wagner Group’s range of advance exceeds 1000km – Russian troops really don’t try to stop anything
(28)> The military vehicle procession to Moscow has already exceeded 100 from about 70 on the island
(29)> Deployments of defensive forces are underway in Moscow
(30)> Putin signs convict conscription
(31)> It is virtually certain that a battle will take place in Moscow
(32)> The early stage of the ignored rebellion is flowing in a completely unexpected direction due to Wagner’s bloodless advance
(33)> Russian forces are very short of available power or are so weak in control that they cannot mobilize

Take out the troops on the front line

I hear you’re turning it

image text translation

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Russian Federal Ministry of Defence removes troops from front lines in multiple directions, sends them to Moscow – rossmi


Additional Dawn – Super Nervous but Unwilling Results

Looks like a go-stop weave


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