a sign of reducing flour and milk

image text translation

(1)internal medicine television
(2)Jam Hamjun, something sleep
(3)United States Department of Internal Medicine
(4)The topic that I’m going to tell you today is flour milk
(5)Your intestines, your skin, and even your brain
(6)Jang Hang-joon 8th Internal Medicine TV
(7)I’ll give you some important information that can ruin it
(8)Milk and cheese bread
(9)They like it
(10)I really like pizza, too
(11)I like mozzarella cheese and milk
(12)In the last coffee lecture, I said that I always put milk in my coffee
(13)I’ve given lectures before. I like products like that
(14)But as I became a doctor and studied various diseases
(15)Jang Hang Jun 8
(16)Some of these flour and dairy products are good for us
(17)There are a lot of situations that can harm you
(18)up to 20
(19)More people than I’ve ever learned in medical school are likely to find dairy products
(20)I found out that you’re sensitive to products that have flour in them
(21)A lot of internal medicine doctors are ignoring it
(22)I think 10 out of 100 people have this problem
(23)So, I’d like to share very important information with you today
(24)I feel uncomfortable after eating flour or dairy products
(25)My skin is itchy
(26)out of one’s mind
(27)It’s not food coma
(28)Have you ever felt like your willpower was suddenly loosened
(29)Cluten and casein in flour or milk contain a lot of peptide secans containing proline, which is difficult for the human body to digest
(30)Gliadin-A, which is very dangerous for gluten, stimulates intestinal mucosa cells and releases zonulin, which causes intestinal leakage
(31)Incompletely Digested Dangerous Griadine Peptides Stimulate Immune Cells Most Submucosal
(33)They make their own antibodies from people with certain genes
(34)can cause inflammation
(35)If the casein protein in milk is incompletely digested, it can lead to autism such as casomorphine
(36)the dangerous neurotoxins that cause it
(37)When you encounter a phenomenon caused by flour food, it flows into the brain through the bloodstream through the cerebrovascular gateway and causes long leakage of autism
(38)to be able to raise
(39)Therefore, eat flour or dairy products and cause skin problems
(40)You might get herpes zygomatic in the picture
(41)If you’re suffering from a delirious abdominal pain
(42)I’m going to completely fast for a month
(43)fast and if necessary
(44)You need to see a doctor for a serological test
(45)The main culprit of ruining our health is very close to us


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