Titanic submersible CEO email found in the meantime

Submarine expert, so you’re trying to use this prototype in a very dangerous place, and I understand the company and the spirit of progress, but it’s putting our entire industry at risk

CEO, we know that our technological and innovative attempts will be very intrusive to the standards of the submersible industry, even though they don’t meet existing standards But that’s what progress is all about

It’s already a small industry, but I’m getting tired of existing industries blocking progress and preventing new people from entering Since Guillermo and I started Oceangate, we’ve heard so many whining things like this, “You’re going to kill somebody.” I’ll take it as a personal insult now

Submarine expert, I think you’re putting you and your customers in danger Ironically your run to Titanic never sinks the baseless Titanic that Titanic officials were talking about at the time! That’s consistent in many ways As a technical expert, my conscience does not allow me to mention this to you

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