Introducing the door

image text translation

(1)Introducing Moon ia7h6eGzFoshms0 May 10 2022
(2)I don’t like it
(3)Introducing Moon ia7h6eGzFoshms0 – 3h
(4)Are they the ones who impeached Roh Moo Hyun for supporting the Yeolwoo Party, or are they the ones who used to be crazy about Moon Jae In intervening in the presidential election, or are they the ones who have no hair at all
(5)”Aiming for 170 seats in the general election.”
(6)In the Ryeongdang, the fear of “heart” still lingers
(7)Reporter Lee Won-seok
(8)Input 20236261108 Modified 20236261443
(9)Five former prosecutors, including Han Dong-hoon, and more than 50 aides and staff members
(10)rumors of a crab’s candidacy
(11)”President Yoon wants to win the nomination.” Cho from the outside
(12)40 years of friendship
(13)Current Affairs Journal = Reporter Lee Won-seok

I hate meddling in the general election Shaking

If the national power of this general election wins 170 seats, the NEC staff will turn into Ferrari

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