A geochemist surprised by catching a 5,000-meter deep-sea fish himself

image text translation

(1)an immediate laboratory
(2)Park Woong-hyun, a senior researcher
(3)I’m studying polar crust and mantle volcanic activity
(4)I’m a geochemist
(5)deep-sea life forms
(6)Why am I ugly
(7)There are strange-looking friends living under the sea
(8)Why do sea creatures look ugly
(9)Some people say they’re not normally like this
(10)Why do creatures look ugly
(11)If you come out of the water
(12)Why do new creatures look ugly
(13)and your eyes pop out
(14)ㅐ Why do creatures look ugly
(15)I’m not sure. I think we
(16)I’m not majoring in deep-sea biology
(17)I don’t think I can give you a scientific answer
(18)I don’t like deep-sea creatures
(19)I see it myself and grab it
(20)But that’s the common sense that we know
(21)It’s very different
(22)I brought a picture
(23)The first place I went on an exploration was the East Pacific Ocean
(24)Why is my creature ugly
(25)I went on an exploration to investigate the sediment below
(26)Sometimes, people like this come up from under the sea
(27)What the hell is this
(28)It’s a kid swimming 5,000 meters down
(29)It’s an ordinary fish
(30)not seem to make any difference
(31)5000m deep sea fish
(32)It’s different from normal fish
(33)Regular fish and
(34)not seem to make any difference
(35)It looks like a carp
(36)I have a prejudice that it’s a deep-sea fish that looks weird
(37)ㅐ Why do creatures look ugly!
(38)It’s very different This is
(39)It’s 5,000 meters down, so I can’t hold it
(40)But someone said, “Can’t you just put in the bowl?”
(41)It takes 2 hours to get down to 5,000mLI

image text translation

(1)Why do creatures look ugly
(2)It comes back once in four hours
(3)ㅐ Why do creatures look ugly
(4)I put in a big bowl
(5)He was right in there
(6)Oh, that’s why they pulled it up
(7)Why do sea creatures look ugly
(8)That’s right. That person pulled it up and looked at it
(9)What was surprising was that usually
(10)5000 m = 500 atmospheric pressure
(11)We live at 1 atmosphere
(12)I’m living under 500 times the pressure
(13)The pressure suddenly went down, so I thought it would explode
(14)It was still there
(15)There’s no change
(16)It’s about the size
(17)It’s about this size
(18)It’s really normal
(19)I got lost
(20)Why is my creature ugly
(21)I didn’t just go down the wrong way
(22)We need to withstand 500 atmospheres

image text translation

(1)ㅐ Why do creatures look ugly
(2)It’s very different from the deep-sea fish we saw on the internet
(3)You’re talking about Tongbal
(4)It comes up from 5km. That’s right
(5)Then, while they’re coming up
(6)Why do creatures look ugly
(7)The pressure is definitely
(8)Why do sea creatures look ugly
(9)It drops to 1/500th
(10)I’m sure he has blood pressure
(11)And dissolved oxygen is probably melted now
(12)When it comes to engineering
(13)I think I’m getting oxygen
(14)It’s because the air pressure drops after being pressed down
(15)Normally, we can kneel down, but we can evaporate
(16)When nitrogen in the blood bubbles up and suddenly returns to water or ground in high-pressure environments such as underwater, such as gas embolism, divers, symptoms such as joint pain, muscle pain, internal bleeding, exercise, and perceptual impairment
(17)There’s a common thing called a diver
(18)When nitrogen in the blood bubbles up and suddenly comes back to the ground or up in a high-pressure environment like a gas embolization diver
(20)Joint pain, muscle pain, internal bleeding, exercise, and perceptual disorder
(21)I think there will be a change as soon as it comes out
(22)It’s amazing that there’s no change
(23)Or I think we’ve evolved over a long period of time
(24)It doesn’t change its shape, but is it alive
(25)Of course he’s dead
(26)I have to tell you this
(27)I’m going to measure this in the ocean
(28)I’ll bring it up and compare it
(29)I couldn’t do that
(30)I can’t say it’s exact

image text translation

(1)Why do creatures look ugly
(2)But when you look at it
(3)You can roughly tell the size by looking at this
(4)Why is my creature ugly
(5)I think it’s kind of bloated
(6)It wasn’t big enough to detect
(7)I think it’s like this
(8)Usually, I think fish that live deep in the deep sea look weird, but when I look at them, they just look like the fish we know
(9)There’s a saying that if you pull it up, your eyes pop out and you become ugly
(10)I tried to hold it down, and unlike what we usually think, it’s more normal than you think
(11)It was amazing that it didn’t swell much even though it went up from 500 to 1 atm


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