Ulsan Hyundai soccer players who were scolded by a lady at an off-season training restaurant for being rude.JPG

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(1)I was rude to a restaurant lady during a training camp in Portugal

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(1)If you stand like that and get scolded, it’s a real situation in Portugal

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(1)But I remember director Hong Myung-bo being angry earlier…

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(1)I guess the players didn’t clean up the food at the restaurant

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(1)So the coach said, “I don’t need a player who is only good at soccer.”

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(1)I need a player with manners…While

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(1)You said something about cleaning up after eating

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(1)I was rude to a restaurant lady during a training camp in Portugal

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(1)”Hey, that’s what you’re going to do as adults.”

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(1)I think being a person is more important than being good at soccer

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(1)Now that this is happening, you’re totally aware of his personality

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(1)I don’t think the players will be on social media for a while

The athletes didn’t clean up at the restaurant

Because I’m being rude to the restaurant lady

Coach Hong Myung-bo set up the players

I don’t need a player who’s only good at soccer. I need a player who has manners

I scolded you for being an adult

Coach Hong Myung-bo said that he values being a player rather than being good at soccer

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