The number of elementary school students who are legendary these days

image text translation

(1)the coming future of the demographic cliff
(2)Precious Children –
(3)There are a lot of students entering school alone
(4)○○ Elementary School
(5)131 elementary schools without freshmen
(6)Yesterday was the entrance ceremony
(7)131 out of 6,200 elementary schools nationwide have 0 freshmen
(8)a common admission by oneself
(9)125 is just one student
(10)new students who have become precious
(11)125 elementary school freshmen this year
(12)News Desk
(13)16 freshmen this year
(14)It’s an elementary school in Daegu, and that’s all freshmen lol
(15)That boy is the only freshman in Gangwon-do
(16)2nd grade students study in the same classroom
(17)The classrooms are combined
(18)410,000 in 1st grade. 300,000 in 3 years
(19)But the problem is that it gets worse in the future
(20)The speed is so steep. I’m filming a legend


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