a 16-year-old boy brought to the emergency room

image text translation

(1)3 days
(2)What is this insult
(3)A 16-year-old boy came to the emergency room
(4)I had a car accident while working part-time delivery, and my left leg and side hurt a little
(5)He said it was worth walking
(6)It was an accident while driving a motorcycle accident
(7)There’s a part that hurts more when I press my stomach
(8)He explained that it would be better to conduct an examination
(9)The guardian has arrived
(10)It’s not my parents. It’s the owner of a part-time shop
(11)He glanced at the child’s face and went to bed when he was okay
(12)You’re a minor and you’re suspected of abdominal damage, so you’d better call your parents for an examination I explained it, but my parents won’t come anyway, and I’m the guardian, so why do you keep trying to test a normal child
(13)The child sits on the edge of the bed quietly, looking around
(14)The man named the shopkeeper dragged the child’s skirt
(15)I’ve been absent many times, saying, “Isn’t it’s okay?”
(16)The owner of the shop and me
(17)Let’s go. No
(18)Please send it to me. No
(19)They say it’s okay. It might not be okay
(20)I’m the guardian. My parents need to come
(21)after a long argument with many words
(22)The shopkeeper raised his voice at last
(23)Oh, I’m responsible!
(24)The police followed me because it was a traffic accident
(25)I asked if the child was okay
(26)I haven’t tested it yet, so it’s hard to say for sure
(27)The accident was dangerous, and there was a tenderness in the left upper abdomen
(28)There’s a possibility of abdominal organ damage
(29)He answered that he would need a test including a CT
(30)This time, it’s me, the owner, and the police
(31)It could be dangerous My parents need to come
(32)I spoke to the police quietly for the last time
(33)I believed that he would empower my words
(34)But the words that came out of his mouth
(35)It was completely out of line with my expectations
(36)The boss here said he’d bring her back if she was sick
(37)Please stop sending me
(38)It’s not like we’re in a hurry
(39)I was at a loss for words, and the owner of the store went wild
(40)I dragged the child’s arm roughly
(41)If you’re the son of a police officer
(42)I’ll put the baby in someone else’s hands
(43)I’ve tried to appeal to my emotions
(44)Anyway, there’s a guardian.k.a guardian
(45)And the police touched his clothes
(46)They said they’d go now
(47)And finally, I’m going to shake off my nurse’s dissuasion
(48)The shopkeeper took the child by the hand and ran away from the emergency room
(49)I’m hanging around for a few minutes. I’m leaving him
(50)I took care of it
(51)She said she’s your guardian. Please stop sending her
(52)”It’s not like you’re in a hurry to get a test.”
(53)What did the police question presuppose
(54)I’ve never talked about this before
(55)Even though it’s so obvious that there’s a police violation of adult protection
(56)I’d like to thank most of the officers who are working in the field
(57)I was afraid it would be a loss
(58)Many police administrative workers I meet on the spot
(59)a sense of duty and responsibility in general
(60)And they were mean because they were stingy
(61)I still don’t want to be affected by people’s reputation
(62)I don’t know what kind of questions you have
(63)The question itself is a disgracego
(64)in connection with the emergency room slap-and-run case
(65)It is said that a doctor of emergency medicine was indictedClack
(66)And the question I received is
(67)He said he didn’t want ventilation
(68)I want to ask you again
(69)If you ask me if I don’t want to catch you, I suspect
(70)Let’s see
(71)But it was the next thing that made me more desperate
(72)Psychiatric emergency patients are more likely to try to kill themselves
(73)When the doctor said that the general hospital room was dangerous
(74)It doesn’t matter. Why
(75)I don’t care if you’re a guardian
(76)I heard that you did Ramalli
(77)I didn’t want to believe it
(78)She was taken to Simcheong Soji Fish Hospital for self-harm
(79)And then, no one is worried
(80)He’s suspected of child abuse. After he’s treated the child
(81)What will happen when he goes home
(82)As if you don’t care about the next thing
(83)on the highway
(84)If a child is dragged down by an adult’s hand
(85)Even if it’s beautiful, it’s my car
(86)A driver who doesn’t care if he’s gonna be that kid
(87)Probably not. Not responsibility
(88)I would’ve just sat next to youEven if it’s a passenger
(89)That’s how worried you are
(90)a psychiatric emergency
(91)In other words, suicide and must be attempted one day to threaten Gotham
(92)to come here together
(93)The doctor said that the degree of mossyet
(94)It might be a little different from what the average person thinks
(95)People-to-people, and the gods
(96)If you’re an expert in the field
(97)I really don’t think you should ask that question
(98)That question is a white man who insulted the recluses
(99)He’s very much better
(100)And paradoxically, doctors are appalled
(101)Oh, Korea’s
(102)This parenthesis
(103)I think it’s the essence of a sense of duty that no one believes in
(104)It’s a feeling of duty to ride with half pride in the truth to do my job well
(105)Just doing things
(106)It’s a real sense of duty not to do it’s cooperative
(107)It’s not the main thing to say that not getting the right amount of money you deserve is not the main thing is not that
(108)Pretending to be nice, holding hands, and making a sad face where you feel the same way
(109)The experts in this country have a sense of duty
(110)When can I work
(111)What is the sense of duty that the people want
(112)I just smile and listen to everything I want
(113)Kindness, a sense of duty, and good
(114)Immature is what makes this country and scary
(115)Where are you going to mess up
(116)I’m worried
(117)I feel like I’ve had an upset stomach all day
(118)He said, “I worked too hard to change NAYEON”
(119)I don’t want to see you. You lost
(120)Exclusive interview. Daegu’s all-powerful business
(121)What was the question
(122)Reporter Kim Mi-kyung 95923kim doctorsnewscorkr
(123)I came to save a lot of scary people who are majoring in Daegu Emergency Medicine who are being investigated by the police as a suspect, but the police and the media branded me the person who killed the patient, so if you didn’t want to see the patient, save it
(125)I didn’t choose emergency medicinePatient
(126)proud of a sense of duty
(127)Emergency Medical Center Emergency
(128)Graphic = Reporter Yoon Se-ho ⓒ Medical Association Newspaper
(129)The emergency medical department working in the emergency room of a hospital in Daegu
(130)The medical doctor transferred Ms. B, a teenage cleaning woman who was brought to the hospital on March 19 for proper treatment But it was the rapporteur who held Ms. B accountable for her early death
(132)When she was seriously asked about her investigation as a suspect in B’s death, A major seemed to break down her mind when she saw the seriousness of the investigation and asked if she didn’t watch it because she was lazy That’s all I can say
(133)I don’t like Gyeongja
(135)A telegram, who was speechless, asked again, “If I didn’t like it and was lazy, would I have chosen an emergency medicine department?”The department of essential medicine and the department of avoidance, emergency medicine
(137)Why did A major apply for emergency medicine? It’s been two years, but he likes it and works hard
(138)It’s very rewarding to work in the class emergency room
(139)”I was proud to see various patients and communicate with them at the forefront of the dispute, and I thought this was my job,” he said, stressing that he has never seen a patient who has taken an emergency medical clinic with such a sense of mission and has chosen a way to save peopleHehe
(140)I came here to save people, but the police and the media seem to be driving me to death I never had a chance to study emergency medicine, but I appealed because I was discouraged
(143)Doctor A explained to the investigator that there is a high possibility of attempting mental seriousness again, which is a real risk to the general disease, but suicide comeback has nothing to do with Major A. Why do you care about it when the guardian has to do it
(144)I got hit
(145)A major, A, said, “I’m not sure if a patient will be held responsible for an inappropriate measure even when shipping to a theater company, even though the date of the psychiatric emergency medical treatment is again in the class, is very scary and fixed
(146)Tagg side


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