Japanese movie Oppenheimer release is ambiguous

The Japanese release schedule for Christopher Nolan’s latest ambitious film Oppenheimer has yet to be released

The movie is about Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb who led the Manhattan Project, and seems to have looked at the ethical dilemma caused by the development of nuclear weapons from the perspective of the United States

Japan, the only country to be exposed, is a direct party to the material Oppenheimer paints In its home country, the U.S. opens July 21 as one of its summer season blockbusters, but its current release in Japan is not known at all In the meantime, Warner Bros. has been in charge of distribution of the surprised works, but since this work has been transferred to Universal Pictures, Tohotowa will be in charge of the Japanese release

For Japan, it is expected to be a very sensitive content in terms of politics and emotion, requiring special prudence The fact that there has been no domestic announcement so far about the movie’s intention to release may be a consideration to ensure that it does not overlap with the August 6 Hiroshima 9th atomic bombing date or the 15th anniversary of the end of the war

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