These days, whenever I order delivery food, I think about it.jpg

image text translation

(1)Bank of Korea
(2)Korean Literature and Economy Gold
(3)RD 2034477 A
(4)Since I have to meet the minimum order price
(5)At least 10,000 won is basic, and 150,000 won and 20,000 won comes out funny
(6)On a daily basis through ordering delivery apps
(7)Disposable product emissions
(8)Minimum chicken and pizza maximum meal size
(9)3 million hearts
(10)1 million cases × 3 pieces 1 million cases × 20 pieces
(11)After eating it
(12)It doesn’t taste good, but I’m full
(13)In the meantime, disposable items are pouring out
(14)Most people eat alone
(15)I order 15 or 2 servings to match the price
(16)If you taste it, it’s not that great
(17)It’s just that taste
(18)Overall, the satisfaction level reaches ㅌㅊ에
(19)And the reality tsunami is coming soon


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