He said he should kill Putin, so he’s a co-worker

image text translation

(1)the Seoul Newspaper
(2)”You have to kill Putin,” said a co-worker
(3)a woman in her thirties
(4)Input 20230630 PM 534 Modified 20230630 PM 539
(5)Reporter Lee Chun-yeol
(6)a family of one street
(7)A schizophrenic man in his 30s was sentenced to 12 years in prison for trying to kill a woman in her 30s, who is a co-worker, under the delusion of Putin, saying, “The world will be saved only when Putin is killed.”
(8)Na Sang-hoon, the 12th Criminal Justice of the Daejeon District Court, sentenced A 36 accused of attempted murder on the 30th, saying, “It is necessary to isolate him from society for a long time and receive psychiatric treatment even though he has been sentenced to probation and treatment.”
(9)A waits for his co-workers B35 and Yeo with a weapon on a street in Daedeok-gu, Daejeon, at around 3:40 p.m. on December 9 last year He is suspected of finding B walking to the bus stop and running to kill him by stabbing him in the face, side of his face, and arm more than 20 times Mr. A’s crime was stopped by passers-by who witnessed it
(10)According to a police investigation, A, who has been suffering from schizophrenia since 2006, has been treated at the hospital steadily, but the world is saved by killing Putin four days before the crime. B is suffering from severe stab wounds and unable to move some fingers even after three to four restorations
(11)In mid-April 2013, A was released from prison in August 2016 after being sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for three years, for attempting to kill a woman he encountered on the side of the road by stabbing her in the back with a weapon
(12)Seoul Newspaper db
(13)The court said, “I waited for Mr. A, who was delusional, to leave work, determined to kill his co-worker, Mr. B “The method of the crime is very cruel and poor in nature, such as wielding a weapon prepared in advance,” he said. “B fortunately saved his life, but there is a possibility that he will be diagnosed with a disability, such as tearing muscles and cutting nerves due to deep wounds.” The court then said, “While B and his family are appealing for severe punishment, A’s family also considered a criminal deposit of 50 million won to faithfully receive treatment for schizophrenia and make efforts to prevent recidivism.”
(14)The prosecution appealed against this ruling


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