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(1)an on-the-spot
(2)They’re doing subway surfam
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(1)Attention, passengers
(2)I apologize for the delay in the train
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(1)It’s a lot
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(1)at the top of a train
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(1)It’s because I’m surfing
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(1)If someone surfs outside the train, the train can’t move
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(1)an on-the-spot
(2)Something you’ve never seen before
(3)Running on the subway
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(1)an on-the-spot
(2)spread through social media
(3)Surfing in the subway
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(1)an on-the-spot
(2)spread through social media
(3)Surfing in the subway
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(1)an on-the-spot
(2)Last year in the U.S
(3)928 people killed in subway surfing
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(1)an on-the-spot
(2)Surfing on the subway is strictly illegal, so if you spot it, you’ll be fined $75
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(1)The cops are on patrol
(2)I’m giving you a warning you
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(1)Sometimes people die
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(1)We’re going to recover the body ourselves
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(1)I’ve seen you on the railroad several times
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(1)Then the family comes to recover the shattered body
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(1)That’s why it’s not worth it
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(1)I want to look cool in front of my friends. I know
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(1)It’s no use dying
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(1)My mom thinks of me. My dad has brothers and sisters
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(1)He’ll be waiting for me to come home
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(1)an on-the-spot
(2)Williamsburg Bridge, New York
(3)Brooklyn train platform
(4)Ross Street Station Overpass, etc
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(1)recently killed while attempting to surf the subway
(2)Most of the deaths are teenagers
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(1)The trend of social media such as TikTok
(2)It is pointed out that it encourages such dangerous behavior
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(1)The trend of social media such as TikTok
(2)It is pointed out that it encourages such dangerous behavior