a marksman who shot down a fighter with a pistol

a marksman who shot down a fighter with a pistol

image text translation

(1)The Chinese character in this story is the one who fought in World War II
(2)OWEN J. BAGGET Owen Baguette
(3)On March 31, 1943, during the Pacific War, the U.S. destroyed the modern railway bridge in Burma, which was controlled by Japan
(4)Owen also boarded the bomber and joined the mission to cut off the supply of the 7th bomber group
(5)Jump down!
(6)But long before they reach the target, they are intercepted by a Japanese fighter, and Owen’s bomber is wounded, one engine is broken, and he’s critically damaged, and Owen and his crew jump out of the burning bomber with their parachutes
(7)Hot Ha – Cine
(8)Seeing Owen and his party who escaped, Japanese fighter jets immediately began attacking the escaped crew
(9)He succeeds in killing some of the crewOwen got an arm injury, too
(10)Now Owen pretends to be dead to avoid an attack, and the Japanese pilot who sees this makes a really fatal mistake
(11)It’s revenge of my comrades!!
(12)The Japanese pilot wanted to see if Owen and his crew were really dead
(13)I was approaching the canopy
(14)He shot his pistol without losing his spirit, and the sashimi
(15)Soon after, Japanese fighter jets crashed to the ground
(16)In the drama, I drew him facing each other for a long time
(17)Honestly, I think this is even more ridiculous
(18)Owen then became a gunner and a military officer in Singapore
(19)He’ll be imprisoned for about two years, but he’ll be rescued by the OSSthe sun
(20)Japan’s Battle of Japan
(21)Owen Baguette’s gun on the pilot’s head was shot by Penn Zero
(22)I made him award
(23)It crashed
(24)the tombstone of Owen Baguette
(25)After the Second World War, the participants of the Korean War in the tombstone eco-war

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